Sunday, January 24, 2010

About Me

Hi I am Blake Nelson. I am a Freshman here at WSU. My hometown is Spokane, WA and I went to Mt. Spokane High School. My major is Civil Engineering. That means that I hate to write and am more of a math guy. If anyone needs help on their math homework, I am the guy to talk to. I lived on fourth floor Stephenson South last semester but this semester I moved into my fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi. Its a great house and I enjoy every minute of it.

I love sports. Soccer is my favorite sport to play but I have played almost everything. I try to play as many intramural as possible. In the summer I love to go to the lake and wake board, water ski and surf at our cabin at Priest Lake, ID. I spend most of my summers there because it is such an awesome place. My summer job is working landscaping, which is one of those jobs that I have a love hate relationship with.

School has always come easy to me and I have never tried really to hard but now that I am at college I realize that I have to work a lot harder to get the grades that I want. Hopefully this semester is another good one and I will have just as much fun as last semester.


  1. Hey Blake, I know what you mean about writing. I feel math is like a puzzle to me more than work, you are trying to get one answer without all the "deep meanings" haha. I may take you up on that offer when I take math because I haven't seen how it is in college, hopefully its still enjoyable! You sound like a pretty busy person so good luck with the semester and enjoy the upcoming summer!


  2. Hey Blake I feel ya when you talk about how school was always pretty easy and now you need to try a little more. The adjustment to college was a big change for me too. Especially in math haha. Your summers sound a lot like mine. I am always out on the water or at the beach. Whether in Crescent Bar or all the way down in Alabama. I might have a friend in your frat. I always forget what its called. Its Pi Kappa something... anyways its not the PIKEs one and his name is Niko Natalazio, maybe you know him.

  3. Congrats on the frat, the names always confuse me though. I'm glad someone can do maths though, I have to retake a fairly basic math class (because the stupid credits didn't transfer) so now I find myself after two years, taking math again. Ick.
