Saturday, February 6, 2010


"how do you think the use of hitchhiking has changed over time?...what do you think is the cause of this? is it beneficial to those in need or just overall too dangerous?..explain your thoughts"

I don't think that hitchhiking has necessarily changed over time. I think it is kinda stayed the same. I guess the only way that hitchhiking could have changed because of cell phones. Divers feel safer picking up people because they do have cell phones.

I think that hitchhiking is definitely dangerous for women. There are many creepy men out there that would do bad things to woman hitchhikers. Hitchhiking is a very inefficient way to travel. there is many other ways to get around like the bus or a train. People standing on the side of the road do cause a hazard to drivers if they are in the way. It is also very dangerous for the hitchhiker because they have a high chance of getting hit. Bad visibility and poor weather conditions add to this risk. I guess if hitchhiking is the only way to get somewhere then it is a good form of transportation and it is cheap. I would never hitchhike anywhere though, it is just to risky.


  1. Agreed. It is scary, I get scared when a car slows down when I am walking on the side of the road haha. This is why we have buses now days, right!

  2. I agree that there are too many alternatives to get around besides hitchhiking. It would be my last choice if I was in a bind without a car.

  3. I'd consider it in an emergency, but at the same time...its still risky. I don't know if thats because of the stigma attached or what, but yea, I agree with you
